Louder Than Words

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
— 1 JOHN 3:18 (NIV)

There comes a point in life when words can become empty and useless rhetoric. “You know I love you.” “I promise I will do it tomorrow.” You may know these people. The ones who say what they will do for you, but never seem to be there when you need them most. The people in meetings that volunteer for an assignment for notariety, but never can be found after the meeting. How do you feel when you experience the lack of action behind the words of promise or support people offer you?  

When you gave your life to Christ, you made a promise to love Him. That love goes beyond singing your favorite song on Sunday. It goes beyond wearing your bedazzled “I love the Lord and I won’t take it back” t-shirt. Christ wants your love for Him to speak louder than words and effect the lives of others. Scripture says faith without works is dead. Today, the world needs to experience God’s power through your works more than ever. More than just through your prayers, but through your actions after you’ve prayed. Telling someone you love them is a great start, but when’s the last time someone felt the love of God because of your actions?

Walk the talk

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Heavenly Father, I will not only love with words or speech, but I will also love others through my actions and in truth. Use me, Lord, so that the world will see the power of Your love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer