We Don't Do That!

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.
— 2 TIMOTHY 1:7 (NIV)

When I was growing up, playing in my grandparent’s neighborhood, I’d hear, “We don’t do that!” a lot. If I pouted because I wasn’t able to buy anything off the ice cream truck, I’d hear, “We don’t do that!” If I stayed out playing after the street lights came on, I’d hear, “We don’t do that!” It didn’t matter what other kids in the neighborhood did. Their family’s rules or acceptions didn’t apply to me. Because of who my brothers and I belonged to, there were just some things we didn’t do.

Since you belong to God, there are some things you don’t do because of the Spirit He gave you. With God’s Spirit, we don’t do fear. We don’t do timidity. God’s Spirit gives you power, love, and self-discipline. When you begin to feel any other spirit, stop, ask yourself where is that spirit coming from, and then remind yourself, “We don’t do that!” When you feel defeated, “We don’t do that!” When you feel unloved, “We don’t do that!” When you feel your life is spiraling out of control, “We don’t do that!” There are some things you don’t have to accept in life because of Who you belong to and Who’s Spirit you have.

You’re the King’s child

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Heavenly Father, I won’t accept a spirit of fear or timidity. I accept Your Spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer