I Forgive You

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

It’s hard going through life operating from a position of hurt. It’s stressful remembering who you’re talking to this week, who’s not talking to you, what they said to you to make you not talk to them, and where you can’t go because they may be there and you don’t want to see them. Sounds silly, right? But what’s even more silly is that we’ve all probably been there.

Not forgiving others puts unnecessary strain and even limitations on your life. It limits you from hearing God, being forgiven by Christ, and you inherit the strain of carrying messy thoughts where godly thoughts should be. When you think about how many things God – through Christ – has forgiven you for, it should be second nature to forgive one another. Jesus wants you to extend the same act of kindness and compassion to others as He has to you. It’s actually easier to tell someone, “ I forgive you,” than it is to lug around all that baggage of unforgiveness.

Let it go

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Heavenly Father, I will forgive others just as You have forgiven me. Others will know Your kindness and compassion through me and experience Your love. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer