Things You Don't See

So then, welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor people like him, because he almost died for the work of Christ. He risked his life to make up for the help you yourselves could not give me.
— PHILIPPIANS 2:29 – 30 (NIV)

You will never know everything a person experiences in a day, week, or life. We all carry invisible baggage which at any time can change our outlooks, perspectives, or attitudes. And even though our baggage can get heavy at times, we have to remember, we’re not the only ones possibly experiencing a bad day.    

Paul writes to the church at Philipi encouraging them to welcome Timothy in the Lord with great joy and to honor him. He knew they hadn’t seen what Timothy experienced risking his life and almost dying for the work of Christ. If someone walks past you and doesn’t speak, don’t immediately think the worst of them, but consider there may be some things going on in their lives you don’t see. Some people are going through divorce alone, received bad news from their doctor, lost a loved one, or are just plain tired. Instead of being offended by their body language, greet them with great joy. A welcome from you could make the difference in their day and yours. Allow Christ to use you to change the things you don’t see.

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Heavenly Father, I will greet my brothers and sisters in the Lord with great joy and honor them. I will share Your light in their darkness and brighten their paths towards hope in You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer