“Then Jesus answered, ‘Will you really lay down your life for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!’”
In today’s scripture, Jesus was talking to what seemed to be a very passionate and aggressive disciple. Peter had just been informed that some undesirable times were approaching. Something he didn’t quite understand had to happen. It was confusing to Peter I’d imagine. Peter declared to Jesus that in these rough times he’d lay down his life for Christ. Jesus called him on it. “Really?” Of course, Jesus was right. When the time came, Peter disowned Christ, but scripture shows Peter never made that mistake again and carried forward his mission in Christ.
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If you should happen to experience some undesirable times or things transpire in your life you don’t quite understand, don’t disown Christ or His Word. Instead of disowning Christ, lean on Him even more! You don’t have to live in fear because of what the media tells you. You don’t have to wonder what will happen if you continue in God’s Word while people around you ignore it. Remain Jesus’ disciple. Have faith that everything will be just as He promised you.
Abide in Him
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“Heavenly Father, I give my life to you. I will never disown You, but lean closer to You more and more each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”