My Favorite Song

I desire to do Your will, my God; Your law is within my heart.
— PSALM 40:8 (NIV)

Take a moment to think about one of your favorite songs. If you’re like me, you can hear the melody, remember what you were doing during a good time you heard your favorite song, and you know all the words. When I hear the first few seconds of the song’s intro, I get excited because I know what’s coming! It’s my favorite song. I know every word by heart. It helps me remember some good times and sometimes makes everything ok.

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The Word of God should overpower you in the same matter. Don’t become overwhelmed because you don’t know every scripture yet. You don’t know every song. Focus on your favorite one. Remember how you felt when Jesus’ Word freed you or made you feel stronger to carry on. Think back on how you felt when God whispered to you and everything became all right. Just as you committed your favorite song to memory, take time to hide God’s Word in your heart so that in those times of trouble you can recall what He’s told you. Once it’s in your heart, you’ll find yourself doing His will

Sing your song

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Heavenly Father, I desire to do Your will, my God. Your law is within my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer