“I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.”
In football, fumbling the ball is very bad. If you lose the ball, you give the opposing team an opportunity to score points. Fumbling can be avoided with ball security. It’s when you bury the ball deep into your chest so the opposing team cannot get to it. Teams run a ball security drill to ensure players understand andknow how to protect the ball from the other team while running.
As a believer, you must learn how to protect yourself from Satan’s team. His team wants you to fumble in life, so he can rack up points against you. Fumbling can be avoided when you take time to drill the Word of God deep into your heart. Keeping God’s Word in your heart will lessen the chances of you fumbling against Satan’s tactics. With each scripture you drill into your heart, you get stronger and stronger; breaking through every strategy the enemy stacks against you. With God’s Word in your heart, you’ve already won! Remember, you’re going up against an opposing team that’s already been defeated for you.
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“I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.”