“‘Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them.’”
God’s purpose for you is specific and should effect other people. So, if you’re on your mission from God, and your life is the only one that’s changing for the better, you might want to have another little talk with Jesus. In your purpose, God includes other people. When Moses died, God told Joshua his purpose was to take the Israelites across the Jordan River into the land He’s about to give them. Pretty specific, right? Joshua was then to divide the land amongst all the tribes. So not only did Joshua’s mission and purpose prosper Him in the Lord, but it also prospered the nation as well.
The purpose God has for your life is bigger than you. It’s bigger than your family and your community. What God has for you will change the world! Through your purpose, He’s able to open up a window of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you won’t have room enough to receive it. So you’ll have to bless someone else! But it all starts with you in your purpose.
Discover your purpose
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“Heavenly Father, I thank You for giving me purpose. Give me the strength to have the courage to walk in my purpose so I can be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”