“I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.”
God has so much planned for you in life. It may be hard to imagine the greatness Christ wants to reveal in you because of where you’re standing today, but that could be part of the problem. Instead of seeing what’s currently around you, envision where God wants you to be and move towards it.
When you focus more on where you are than where God wants you to be, you can easily become distracted and discouraged. Placing more emphasis on your current situation can take away from understanding where God is trying to take you. He wants you to have the desires of your heart. He wants to give you every place you set your foot. Don’t limit God’s infinite ability by your inability to see the big picture. Instead, place your faith in God and trust Jesus enough to take the first step with Him toward a new you. Get ready for Christ to expand your territory by first getting rid of some mental clutter.
Starts with a vision
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“Heavenly Father, You are an awesome God and I live by faith of Your promises to me. I believe You will give me the desires of my heart and every place where I set my foot. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”