Prayer Works

...The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
— JAMES 5:16b (NIV)

I have awful allergies. I suffer from the kind that has no regard for season. They can trigger my asthma in the winter that’ll have me coughing until the end of spring! I recently experienced a drastic change in weather while traveling for my job. Back in Michigan, I couldn’t shake the cough my allergies brought on. I lost my voice and was miserable for a little over a month. The meds I usually take to get rid of my symptoms weren’t helping this time. Then my mother texted prayers to me for two days. I had been coughing so long, that I’d gotten used to it, but I just realized… my coughing has stopped.

Prayer really works, but how often do we tell the people who are praying for us?  When someone tells us “I’m praying for you,” we normally reply, “Thank you.” But after receiving your break through, healing, or increase, how often do you tell them their prayer worked? When you update your prayer warrior, it strengthens their faith and encourages them. It also becomes a testimony for others and can improve their prayer lives too.

Prayer worked Mom!

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Heavenly Father, thank You for answering our prayers and giving us the powerful, and effective, tool of prayer to communicate with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer