Child (of GOD) Support

…Then He returned to His disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?’ He asked Peter…
— MATTHEW 26:36-45 (NIV)

While Jesus healed the sick, fed multitudes, and performed other miracles, He was often surrounded by people. As He served and taught, there was never a need to summon a crowd. People were drawn to Him as He freely gave of Himself, never asking for anything in return. There was a time when Christ asked a favor of those closest to Him. Jesus asked His friends, the disciples, to pray and keep watch while He prayed and came to terms with accepting the plan God had for Him to be crucified and die for the sins of the world. In a time where Jesus needed the support of His friends the most, they failed Him, but that didn’t stop Christ from accepting the plan God had for His life.

There will be times you too will call on the support of your friends and those you were always there for, only to find none - but that does not excuse you from following the plan God has for your life. Do not let the actions of others steer you from God’s path. Find your strength and courage in God’s love, which is constant, and not in those that “come for the party, but never stay after to help clean up.” The plan God has for you is for you and will bless others. Continue to seek to please God, not people. After all, only what’s done for Christ will last.

God bless the child...

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Heavenly Father, thank You for supporting and choosing me when others don’t. I seek Your acceptance and to please You. Please continue to bless my life with people like You and of Your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer