Whatever God Says

Balaam answered, ‘Did I not tell you I must do whatever the LORD says?’
— NUMBERS 23:26 (NIV)

When God speaks to you, it’s important you follow what He says. There will be plenty of times you won’t understand why He’s directing you in the way He is, but remember God loves you, and whatever His instructions, it’s for your best. I’m sure Elijah didn’t fully understand why God wanted Him to leave a place he was thriving and familiar with and that a ravenous bird would supply him with food, but when he did as the Lord commanded, He was blessed.  

Likewise, when you commit to doing whatever God says, you will inherit His promises. You won’t always understand, but scripture instructs not to lean to your own understanding. When you trust God, and submit to Him, He will direct your path. This path will never be a path of destruction. God’s thoughts for you are thoughts of peace and not of evil and they are to give you a future and a hope. Your peace, future, and hope are in you doing whatever the Lord says.

Here I am, Lord. Send me.

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Heavenly Father, I choose to do whatever You say to do Lord. I will remain forever obedient to Your word. Thank You for having thoughts of peace toward me and not evil and giving me a future and hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer