Thanks! I Needed That.

…But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ…

The truth can hurt, but it is necessary for us to grow in every facet of our lives. Because of its sometime hurtful nature, it seems we only prefer the truth out of personal necessity. When you visit your doctor, you don’t expect them to sugar coat your diagnosis. You may even make the request, “Give it to me straight.”  But in our daily lives, how often do we keep the truth away from one another out of fear of what someone will think or if it will hurt their feelings?

God knows your heart. He knows your intentions when you address issues in your life or confront situations concerning others. Even when the words don’t come out quite the way intended, the Holy Spirit knows when the truth is being spoken in love and will add His comfort during your conversation. I’m sure most people would agree with me when I say I’d rather you tell me how you feel versus telling everyone else behind my back. We are fitly joined together. You have the words that can help someone become a better person and help right their wrongs and in doing so strengthen the body of Christ. So next time you decide to hold your peace, release your love instead and speak the truth.

You CAN handle the truth!

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Heavenly Father, give me the words to edify others and help grow them up in all things into Christ. Guide my tongue and mind to speak and receive the truth in love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer