It's Ok To Listen

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.
— PROVERBS 11:14 (NIV)

One good thing about being around different people is not having to reinvent the wheel. The more you listen to people and their experiences, the more knowledge you gain learning from their mistakes and successes. You always have an opportunity to learn. Their advice or experiences may need some customizing to fit your situation, but try not to be close-minded when trying something new or outside of your comfort zone that’s going to help you become a better you.

It’s ok to listen to and accept counsel from friends and family. Schedule that regular checkup you’ve been putting off. See a counselor or psychiatrist. It may be taboo, but it’s also helpful. People on the outside of your storm have a tendency to be able to see things you can’t. If you could change your situation by yourself, you would have by now. Let go of what you know, and try something that will help you grow.

Godly advice is good advice

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Heavenly Father, thank You for placing people in my life to counsel me. I know I am safe and will not fail. Help me to accept change and move out of my comfort zone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer