You Better Recognize

By their fruit you will recognize them.
— MATTHEW 7:16 (NIV)

It’s really easy to judge someone based off of the picture other people paint for you. The media is notorious for providing half facts or printing accusations based on what will achieve the best ratings. Leaders of mega churches are constantly brutalized in tabloids. Teachers who care are lumped together with those who don’t. We’re led to believe an entire race behaves a certain way or cannot co-exist with others. But, there has to be a way to tell the good apples from the bad!

Jesus teaches a tree is known by its fruit. A bad tree cannot give good fruit and a good tree cannot give bad fruit. When you’re being force fed premeditated agendas or propaganda, step back for a moment and remember to recognize their fruit. Go beyond the charm, what looks good and sounds great. Go beyond the empty rhetoric, rumors, and gossip. Observe their fruit, but be ready to react godly to what you discover. Praise God and rejoice with them when good fruit is revealed. Intercede for them in prayer and mentor them back to God’s path when bad fruit is exposed. Remember, the goal is to gain a brother, not lose one.

Don’t follow the crowd

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Heavenly Father, I will not be quick to judge, but recognize them by their fruit. I will plant good seeds to bear good fruit and help others to produce good fruit as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer