Remember Me

Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, LORD, are good.
— PSALM 25:7 (NIV)

In my youth I recall thinking I was invincible. No matter the test or dare, I didn’t realize the danger I put my life at risk of. I didn’t understand that unforeseen mishaps increased as the day’s sunlight decreased and why mom wanted me home at a certain time. It wasn’t until I had children of my own that I understood and now find myself frequently calling mom to apologize as I experience  what I must have put her through during my youth.

Likewise, you may have some things in your past you regret. You know. Those times you look back on now and think, “I did that?” or “How did I make it through that alive!?” Well, you’ll be relieved to know God doesn’t remember your sin or rebellious ways. After you forgiveness for your sins, He remembers you according to the way He created you; in His love. It’s not by luck or chance you’re still here after all you’ve been through. God allows you to experience these things to become the person He’s always intended for you to be. Praise God He remembers you for who you are and not for what you were!

Blot it out Jesus!

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Lord, thank You for not remembering my sins or my rebellious ways, but for remembering me according to Your love because You are a good God! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer