Listen + Do = Blessed!

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
— JAMES 1:22 (NIV)

     The bible talks a lot about how God wants to bless us. While reading, you will encounter many ways God blessed people in biblical times and how He readily guided them to victory in impossible battles and wars. Through studying, you’ll also discover Jesus’ plan for your healing, peace, prosperity, and love. When our ancestors in past times received God’s victory in battle and the promises of Christ, they all had one thing in common; they did what God said do.

     Today, you have the victory through Christ Jesus and God wants to deliver every blessing and promise into your life. He wants to restore you, increase your territory, and heal your household. In order to unleash these plethora of blessings you only need to follow God’s direction. Don’t just hear His voice or what’s preached on Sunday morning, but actually do what Christ is telling you to do. On His path is where you will find what you’re searching for as well as fulfillment.
It’s waiting for you

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Heavenly Father, thank You for Your many blessings and promises. No longer will I just listen to Your word, but I will do what it says and not deceive myself. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer