Allow Change

But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.

It’s easy to become complacent in life. We’re often creatures of habit; slaves to the routines we create day to day, month to month. No surprises or anything out of the ordinary. It’s comfortable. When I picture comfortable, I see me on my favorite couch, in my favorite lounging wear, watching my favorite TV show…doing nothing, because I’ve achieved comfortable. And when I’m comfortable, I instinctively plan to do nothing new.

Just when you’ve achieve this level of comfort at home, on your job, or in ministry, God will come along and shake things up to move you out of your comfort zone and onto your next mission for Him. What you may be experiencing isn’t always because of something you’ve done wrong, but it’s to shape and form you into a better you. When you’re in the hands of God, allow Him to change you as it seems best to Him. It may be uncomfortable at first, but by the end, you’ll witness a better you than you’ve ever seen before!

You’re in good hands

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Heavenly Father, I am the clay. You are the Potter. In Your hands I am perfect. Mold me. Break me. Reshape me as it seems best to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer