He Sees All

Does He not see my ways and count my every step?
— JOB 31:4 (NIV)

When you do wrong and it goes unnoticed, it’s easy to believe that no harm was done. You may keep doing that wrong without thinking of the repercussions.  It may open up more opportunities for you to do more wrong. It may have started with a glance that turned into a lustful stare. Having a drink socially turned into a daily routine. And what enables you to think your wrongful ways go unnoticed is forgetting sin is not between you and man, but you and God.

God sees all you do, think, and say. So don’t become more concerned with how man handles sin versus how God does. God is the only one who can forgive you for your sin after you’ve confessed to Him. He’s the only one that can cleanse you of unrighteousness after you’ve chosen to repent. When you think you’ve gotten away with something just because you didn’t get caught, think again!  It’s so important you address every sin with God. With sin in your life, there are some things God can’t reveal to you. And trust me; you want God to be able to reveal everything to you concerning your life.

Every step you take

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Heavenly Father, I know You see everything I do, think, and say. I confess my sin and ask for Your forgiveness. I want to always be in good relations with You. I repent today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer