Stick With What You Know

The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.
— 1 SAMUEL 17:37 (NIV)

When David went into battle against Goliath, the giant thought David was ill-prepared. He didn’t bear the same weapons warriors normally carried into battle. He didn’t even protect himself with the armor and helmet Saul offered him. Why? Because they didn’t fit David and he wasn’t use to those weapons. Instead, David stuck with what he knew. He relied on the weapon he used in previous battles to achieve victory. The weapon was his faith in God.

Like David, God has seen you through your battles of life with “lions” and “bears.” And just because you’re facing a new animal-of-a-problem today, doesn’t mean the same God that delivered you before won’t deliver you again! Smoking or drinking your problem away doesn’t fit you. Hiding from or sweeping it under a rug won’t protect you. Continue in your faith by using the ultimate weapon against spiritual warfare - Jesus. He will rescue you from the hand of your enemy and whatever situation you’re facing. Stick with what you know! God has never failed you before and He won’t fail you now.

My weapon is not carnal

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Heavenly Father, I know You will rescue me from the hand of my enemy and whatever situation I face today. You are the same Lord that delivered me before and I have faith You will deliver me again. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer