For the Lord

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
— ROMANS 14:8 (NIV)

As a mischievous child, my actions were governed by who was around at the time. If my mother was around, I was the perfect, well-mannered boy. If around my aunt, who spoiled me rotten, well, I acted like a spoiled brat. Luckily, with additional rearing and more opportunities for my parents to exact their style of discipline upon me, I learned that it should not have matter who I was around. Every day and in every situation, I was to behave as if my mother and father were standing right behind me. Watching.

As believers, it would be easy for us to make the right decisions concerning our actions if we’d remember Jesus is right behind us watching. No. He’s not watching us to reign down punishment by fire and brimstone, but we belong to Christ, so He keeps an eye on us. When you accepted Christ, you decided to live for the Lord and your actions should reflect it. If you thought Jesus was standing right behind you, you would’ve reconsidered cussing out your co-worker (even though they had it coming). If you thought Jesus saw that picture or text message you sent yesterday, you may have changed a couple things about it. Well guess what? HE DID SEE IT! In all things, work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were doing them for the LORD, rather than man, and your actions may change for the glory of your Lord.

Take time to think before acting

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Heavenly Father, I belong to You. It’s for You I live and die. Strengthen me to do right in every situation so others may witness the Christ in me and be blessed. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer