Different, Not Less

He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him.
— JOHN 1:11 (NIV)

Ever wonder why you don’t relate to your peers? In public, you always feel like the odd one out. You have only a couple friends that really get you, but they’re often busy with their own lives. You’ve tried new things, but they just aren’t you. As you retreat to your safe place where you can “be you,” you begin to question, “What’s wrong with me?!” The short answer: nothing at all!

You were created unique in Christ. God’s word actually refers to you as peculiar. You’re supposed to be different. But like Christ, you may not be accepted for who you are by everyone. And just like Christ, for every one person that rejects you; three more are waiting out there to love you. It’s not a good feeling to feel left out, rejected, or alone, but find strength knowing you share the same burden as Jesus. And when it was His time, God lifted Him above everyone and blessed Him in His uniqueness. So, just because you may be different, don’t think you’re less. Find peace in knowing you’re exactly the way God created you and He loves you.

Wonderfully made

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Heavenly Father, I am Your workmanship. I am perfectly created in You. Thank You for sending people in my life that receive me and accept me for who I am and how You created me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer