Praising and Cursing

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.
— JAMES 3:9 - 10 (NIV)

I’ve seen them leave the choir loft doing it. I’ve seen them leave bible study and prayer service doing it. I’ve even seen them leaving the pulpit doing it. What is “it?” Gossiping. Who is “them?” Believers. And I know it to be true, because I’ve participated with them in it too. With the same tongue I spent hours praising God, then the next free moment spent talking about or tearing down someone. “I can’t believe he did that!” “I can’t believe she said that.” I never took the time to think about how our “topic of discussion” felt. Never wondered what a cold place it must be to go into a church only to feel less accepted and more accepted by the world… until I found myself in that position.

Jesus wants you to use your tongue wisely. Use it to praise God and also to lift your brother and sister, not condemn them. If you have an ought with someone, go to them, talk to them, and discuss it, but not with another person. I’ll admit, it can be quick and easy to say the wrong thing, but your blessing is in taking the time to find the right thing to say. Use your words to build bridges, not burn them.

Life and death are in the tongue

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Heavenly Father, I will use the same tongue I use to praise You to bless my brother and sister. Give me the wisdom to speak blessings and not curses over Your people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer