The Monkey Wrench

This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.
— MATTHEW 1:18 (NIV)

There are two definitions for monkey wrench. One is to ruin (plans, a schedule, etc.) unavoidably or, sometimes, deliberately. If you’re like me, this type of monkey wrench takes place in your life often. Seems like whenever I have something planned out, ready to go execute, BAM! Flat tire. BAM! Layoffs on the job. BAM! Someone died. As I continue to mature in my faith, I started to look at the other definition for monkey wrench which is a tool having an ability to adjust permitting it to grasp objects the like of different sizes. With this type of monkey wrench, no matter the task in front of me, I’m able to make the necessary adjustment and move on with life.

Initially, I’m sure Mary and Joseph viewed being with child before they were married as a monkey wrench, but God has a way of turning question marks into exclamation marks! When God allows monkey wrenches in your life, have faith that He has something bigger planned out for you. Your original plans may have been good, but God’s plans are great!  The next time a monkey wrench is thrown your way, remember, your plans aren’t ruined, you just have to adjust.

Work it out Lord!

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Heavenly Father, I know You are working everything out for my good. I’m thankful Your ways and thoughts are not my ways and thoughts. I have faith the plans You have for me will reveal greatness! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer