Ultimate Preservation

‘I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,’ says the LORD Almighty.
— MALACHI 3:11 (NIV)

When you give to God, He returns the ultimate preservation over your crops and your fields. You may be thinking, “I ain’t no farmer! I ain’t growing no garden!” Oh, but my friend, you are. You plant seeds every day and you reap that which you sow. If you don’t choose to sow, you have limited protection over you, your spouse, your children, your home, and other possessions. You essentially are benefiting from someone else praying for you and Abrahamic blessings (the blessings that everyone receives).   

When you choose to sow into God’s Kingdom through your tithes and offerings, He’s able to bless you specifically and beyond Abrahamic blessings. This kind of giving unlocks the windows of heaven that are ready to pour you out a blessing you won’t have room to receive. When you tithe, God will prevent the pests of this world from devouring your relationships and your children. Your business ventures and finances will not drop before they are ripe (fully mature).  Sow into God’s Kingdom today and receive the ultimate preservation God intended for you to have.

…and I’ll give it back to you…

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Heavenly Father, I will bring my tithes into your storehouse. Thank You for preventing pest from devouring my crops and allowing the vines in my fields to not drop their fruit before it is ripe. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer