Hold Jesus

…But Jacob replied, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me.’
— Genesis 32:26b (NIV)

I’m not where I expected to be in life. I am finding out things about myself I never knew existed. These are things I thought I would have learned as a teenager or maybe in my college years. I’ve had times where I thought, “Why should God continue to use me, bless me, or even love me?” I’m a sinner at best.

Then I remembered if I confess my sins Jesus is faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me of all my unrighteousness. I remembered once I am in His hand no one can take me out of it. I am perfect in His hand. Instead of having a “woe is me” moment or a pity party, I decided to refocus that energy and use it to hold Jesus until He blesses me! In order to hold Jesus, I have to get close enough to Him. In order to get close enough to Him, I have to study Him and talk to Him. When I study and talk to Him, He’ll reveal how to receive His blessings. If the blessings don’t come today or tomorrow, I’m still going to hold Jesus until He decides to release my blessings. I challenge you to join me. Hold Jesus until He blesses you!

Steadfast. Unmovable.

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Heavenly Father, I have faith that You will bless me exceeding and abundantly above all I could ever ask or think. I confess my sin. Please forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer