Millennial Reason No. 8: "We Want to Feel Valued"

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

(This series of devotionals will be addressing an article titled 12 Reasons Millennials Are OVER Church. The author provides 12 reasons why Millennials don't attend church. I expound on them in this series.)

There’s an opinion that Millennials are less educated, spoiled, and think they deserve everything without working for anything. Such opinions unfairly judge an entire generation based on a small percentage that actually lend proof in supporting this idea. The author of 12 Reasons… writes, “We [Millennials] desperately need the church to tell us we are good enough exactly the way we are. No conditions or expectations.”  I’d imagine it’d be a terrible feeling to attend church in hopes to be inspired, accepted, and valued, only to leave feeling judged.

We easily forget we are all God’s workmanship and that He created each of us in Christ Jesus for good works. If we did remember this, we wouldn’t see race, sexual orientation, status, or clothing when we interact with one another, but a human being that God has purpose for. Instead of spouting how much the bible doesn’t approve of people, let’s teach how God loves us in spite of our imperfections and how we should value each other. An opened hand can draw more to Christ than a wagging finger.

Tomorrow’s Reason No. 9:

We Want You to Talk to Us About Controversial Issues (Because No One Is)

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Heavenly Father, we are all Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works that You prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Strengthen me for my journey Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer