Millennial Reason No. 6: Distrust & Misallocation of Resources

You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth …

(This series of devotionals will be addressing an article titled 12 Reasons Millennials Are OVER Church. The author provides 12 reasons why Millennials don't attend church. I expound on them in this series. )

Church and money has always been a touchy conversation. Why do I have to give 10 percent, plus offering, plus to the building fund? Where does the money go? Do I have a say in how we spend it?  It’s hard for anyone to give blindly these days, but it’s equally irresponsible of us to think we should not give an account of church finances.

Today, people want to see action behind their money. Feeding the homeless, sending water to Flint, or opening the church’s doors to community agencies and events are just a few ways. But when church trips, choir robes, and usher board anniversary celebrations generate more dollars out than how much goes in benevolence, priorities might need to be realigned with what God wants for His church. It’s not boastful to say what your church is doing in the community. The community needs to know God’s church is still a resource and there for them and can be trusted - again.

Tomorrow’s Reason No. 7:

We Want to Be Mentored, Not Preached At

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Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the ability to get wealth and produce for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer