Millennial Reason No. 5: The "You Can's Sit With Us" Affect

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves…

(This series of devotionals will be addressing an article titled 12 Reasons Millennials Are OVER Church. The author provides 12 reasons why Millennials don't attend church. I expound on them in this series. )

Biblical leadership is essential for the growth of our churches. We know there’s a lot to be done and that pastors can’t carry the load themselves. Along with an assistant, pastors usually have deacons, trustees, teachers, and staff to help. As a deacon, our responsibilities are to aid and relieve my pastor of certain duties that he might have more time for prayer and study. Funny thing is, I recall asking a kid what he thought the role of the deacon is. He answered, “To sit up front.”

The idea of reserved sitting can lead to a mindset of exclusiveness and elitism. We shout come as you are, as long as you don’t come sit in the first two rows of the sanctuary. Church should be one of the few places you hear “you can’t do” this or “this is for this group of members only.” No one should be valued above anyone else, but rather treated equally with the same respect, love, and compassion. This Sunday, before making yourself comfortable in your favorite seat, make sure someone else is comfortable first.

Tomorrow’s Reason No. 6:

Distrust & Misallocation of Resources

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Heavenly Father, I will do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but rather in humility, I will value others above myself. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer