Wipe Out

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.
— ACTS 3:19 (NIV)

As a mischievous child, I was always into something. The dirt I did was often out of the sight of my parents, but somehow they always seemed to know what I did. After my whooping, I’d be asked the infamous question, “You gon’ do it again?” Of course at that time, and in that position, the answer was always, “NO!” but would I have been in that position knowing my parent’s eyes were always on me even when I didn’t think they were watching?

The position you may find yourself in today could be because you didn’t behave as though God was watching. You turned from Him to do something you know does not line up with what He’s called you to do or be. If this is you, it’s ok. God still loves you and is ready to wipe out your sin and refresh you. Today’s scripture tells you to repent (i.e. recognize your sin, stop it, and ask God for forgiveness), then turn to God. Allow Him to wipe out what’s not of Christ in your life and give you a fresh start.

A fresh anointing coming your way


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Heavenly Father, I repent of my sin and turn back to You. Please forgive me and wipe out all my sin. Refresh me, Lord, and make my way new. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer