Sent Into This World

As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.
— JOHN 17:18 (NIV)

Some people wonder what their purpose is in life; aimlessly living day by day, going through the motions, with little fulfillment, if any at all. Some may search for their fulfillment in other people, while others attempt to find it in careers. And while splashes of happiness are achieved, the emptiness of fulfillment is still... there.

Instead of seeking fulfillment in a career or happiness through a person, try connecting with the God who sent you into this world. Your total fulfillment, happiness, peace, joy, prosperity, and love all rest in Him. When you allow God to reveal in you your purpose, all these things will be added to you. You won’t have to search for them. They will find you and overtake you!  Pray and study daily, communing with God, and allow Christ to fulfill you. You’ll find you weren’t placed in this world. You were sent.

I have purpose

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Heavenly Father, just as You sent Christ into this world with purpose, He has sent me into this world. I have purpose and no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Reveal in me Your purpose over my life today, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer