Partially Mine, But All Yours

…You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
— 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19 – 20 (NIV)

We belong to God; mind, body, and spirit. And while the heart is one of God’s key focus, your body is almost of equal importance.

Before anyone gets to know your mind or spirit, they witness your physical body. The way you treat your body can become your frontline testimony to people. The way you carry yourself, the clothes you choose to wear, or what you allow your body to consume, are ways people identify with you. It’s not fair to judge a book by its cover, and sometimes the initial judgement is completely incorrect, but unfortunately, it’s a natural tendency. This is one reason why, as a believer, you should honor God with your body. Make conscious decisions of what you do with it, put in it, or on it, knowing that it doesn’t belong to you. Your body is yours to take care of, but it was bought at a price too steep for you to save up for, layaway, or even purchase by credit.  Consider your frontline testimony today.

 My life is not my own. To You I belong…

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Heavenly Father, I am not my own. I was bought with a price and I will honor You with my body. Thank You for trusting me and giving me Your word to guide me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer