Assurance Policy

…God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’
— HEBREWS 13:5 – 6 (NIV)

Insurance companies have developed some pretty good mantras over the years that provide a sense of safety and security to their customers. Nationwide’s monotone jingle, “Nationwide is on your side,” reminds you in any incident, they have your back, while All State’s spokesman affirms “You’re in good hands” with their insurance coverage. Even if you don’t have their insurance, you still recognize their slogans, logos, and jingles.

With God, you have an assurance policy where all deductibles have already been paid in full. When you’re confronted with life’s issues, His words of safety and security found in your assurance policy should come to mind. You have the assurance of knowing God will never leave you and is always with you. Another statement in you policy is the Lord is your helper. (That’s way better than any roadside service!) Your assurance policy also protects you against mere mortals so you have no reason to be afraid of what people can do to you. You’re covered! And this is only from two verses found in your assurance policy. Review the rest of your policy today to discover more ways you’re covered.  

I have full coverage!

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Heavenly Father, thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me. I have confidence in knowing You are my helper and I am protected from whatever mere mortals may try to do to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer