A Good Word

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

The other day I stopped at Wal-Greens to pick up a rescue inhaler for my asthma. As I waited, a member of my church joined the long line behind me. We talked briefly about each other’s day until I finally reached the counter. As I was leaving, the member left his spot in line and asked if he could talk to me for a moment. I said sure - praying that he didn’t add to my already long list of things I had to do. The brother went on to tell me how I encouraged and inspired him. He told me how he appreciated me and the efforts I put toward writing daily devotions. My spirit was immediately lifted. My day changed just like that from a few kind words.

The truth is, the last 48 hours had been going like crap! I’d just had a bad argument with a loved one, my sleep was broken due to my allergies not allowing me to breath, my back was in severe pain because I’m in the middle of moving, and on top of it all, I had to tolerate people’s inability to drive when the light turns green and deal with long lines in Wal-Greens! But God. God sent someone with a good word that helped me push through all I was experiencing. You too have this power. Look for words of affirmation to share with people. You never know what someone is going through. Take the time to care and edify someone else. You never know. It might help you feel better about your situation as well.

There’s always something good to say

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Heavenly Father, no corrupt communication will come from my mouth. I choose to speak kindly to others using good words to edify and encourage them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer