Road to Recovery

How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping watch [on himself] according to Your word [conforming his life to Your precepts].
— Psalm 119:9 (AMP)

There are several programs available in our community to help people deal with addictions. Whether it’s drug abuse or alcoholism, there are treatments available. One of the popular groups is called Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.). While having one of the most effective treatments in their 12 Step Program, they report the most successful persons are those that participate in their Sponsors Program.

Sponsors are a vital part of how A.A. works, and numerous studies prove that sponsorship significantly increases the changes of abstinence. An article from the Psychology of Addictive Behaviors reports that participants with sponsors who have attended A.A. for three months were three times more likely to be abstinent from alcohol three months later when compared to those without a sponsor. (SOURCE: NAPA Valley Rehab.)

As believers we have to deal with sin in a like manner. When you set aside the sin that is holding you back from achieving the life God planned for you, it’s important that you have people around you that will remind you of God’s word, support you, and are heading in a direction of godly living as well. When you commit to not smoking, you may have to stop socializing with those that smoke. If you want to stop gossiping, you may have to get rid of a few phone numbers. It’s His word that will cleanse you of all unrighteousness and His spirit will provide you with the support you need to recover from sin.

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God, thank You for providing a way for me to purify myself in You. I know through Your word I will be cleansed of all my unrighteousness. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
— This is my prayer