It's a Peace Thing

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:7 (NIV)

When I was young, my mom lost her mother to a lengthy battle with cancer. Within the two months after, her father died. Then, about seven months later, her big sister passed away after a shorter battle of cancer. Within a year’s time, my mother had lost her entire immediate family. Recently, my dad died—yet another battle with cancer.
As a child, I didn’t take these deaths very well at all. Even today, if I hear a certain song or get a whiff of a certain dessert, I’m in tears! Back then, I had absolutely no idea how my mother made it through witnessing her father die from stroke and being the caretaker of both her mom and only sister until their dying day. Then, when cancer claimed her husband of over 40 years, I didn’t know what she would do.
Today, I understand. My mother wasn’t only at peace, but had the peace of God.
It’s one thing to be at peace with something or someone, but to be given the peace of God is something totally different. It’s when someone looks at you and says, “I don’t know how in the world they are dealing with that so well!” It’s when you lose a love one. It’s when you lose your job. It’s when your teenage daughter tells you she’s pregnant. It’s when your marriage ends in divorce. It’s when you’ve been abandoned by those you thought you could rely on. It’s a peace beyond understanding, and a peace that cannot be manufactured.
The Bible gives us four steps to finding this peace. Rejoice in the Lord. Be anxious about nothing. Pray. Give thanks. Then, watch God give you His peace. In this peace, you’ll find what you can’t find anywhere or in anyone. It’s waiting for you.

Run into His arms

Thank You God for the gift of Your peace. I am grateful for Your loving arms that comfort me in my time of need. Thank You for guarding my heart and my mind. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer