An Easy Target

In fact, anyone who wants to live a holy life in Christ Jesus will be harassed.
— 2 Timothy 3:12 (WEB)

You don’t act like everyone else.

You don’t talk like everyone else.

You don’t do the same things as everyone else.

You stand out from the crowd. You’re different. This doesn’t make you wrong. It makes you what the word of God says you would be when you follow Christ—peculiar. When you’re different, you’re an easy target for harassment. Because of this, there will be times when people are not kind or fair to you, but know you are not alone—you’re protected, and you have God’s favor.

Don’t try to fit in because everyone else is doing it, singing it, wearing it, or saying it. God made you to stand out. You should look different—you’re a chosen people. You should walk different—you’re a royal priesthood. You shouldn’t belong to the world—you’re God’s own possession. When you’re harassed for following Christ, not invited, singled out, or bullied, run home and tell your Father. He’ll know how to handle it.

Normal is boring

Lord, thank You for being with me always. I know I will suffer persecution while following You because I chose to live a Holy life in you, but You will deliver me. Please continue to protect me and keep me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
— This is my prayer