Tired of Being Tired

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
— Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

At the end of an exhaustive day, I can’t wait to climb into my bed and rest. Sometimes my mind doesn’t always share the same agenda. At work and on the drive home I can barely stay awake, but when I finally make it to my bed my mind starts to think about everything that happened today and the things I still need to do. And even though I’m the same person who was tired just 5 minutes ago, I’m now wide awake. I can’t rest for being bogged down with the distractions running through my mind.

Your spirit can behave in a like manner. You may be constantly reminded of the wrong you’ve done and not able to move passed your past. Maybe your spirit can’t rest because you’re battling with the wrong someone’s done to you. Jesus wants to place your spirit, mind, and body at peace by giving you His rest. The things you are dealing with will not magically disappear, but God’s peace will help you through your trying times and give your spirit the rest it needs. God’s offer is on the table. Go to Him and take Him up on it.

Better than a “sleep number”

Lord, thank You for allowing me to come to You and find rest when I am weary and burdened. I know in You I will find rest for my spirit, my mind, and my body. Thank You for Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
— This is my prayer

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