Good Friday

Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.
— 1 PETER 2:24 (NKJV)

This past Sunday, I talked to my youth group about why this time of year is special for Christians. We started explaining with Palm Sunday, which led to The Last Supper, Good Friday and finally Resurrection Sunday. After answering questions of why some people call it Easter, but we call it Resurrection Sunday, one student asked, “Why is it called ‘Good Friday’? Sounds like a pretty bad Friday to me.” I had to laugh as I agreed with him that some pretty wicked and violent things happened that day, but God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and because we believe in Him, we will not perish, but have everlasting life.

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It was a Good Friday because He saw you and me beyond that old, rugged cross. It was a Good Friday because Jesus took our place on that tree and died for our sin. It was a Good Friday because through His death we now have eternal life. It was a Good Friday because He didn’t stay dead, but early Sunday morning, He got up from the grave with all power in His hand. That’s what makes it Good Friday. Because of His stripes that day, we were healed. Healed from sin, healed from damnation, healed from death. Jesus died so that we may live, and we’ll never know how much it cost to see our sin up on that cross.

Thank You, Jesus


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Heavenly Father, You knew no sin, but became sin for me that I may have eternal life. Thank You for dying for me. Thank You for not staying dead, but rising up just like You said You would. Thank You, Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Problem Solver

‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’
— MATTHEW 11:28 (NIV)

Life’s problems can come at you fast *|FNAME|* and before you know it, you’re in problem solving mode. God bless us for doing the best we can with the hand we’re dealt, but we often end up digging a deeper hole than when we started. Deeper holes bring stress. Stress brings mental and physical exhaustion. Exhaustion brings… whew! The state of being tired of being tired!


Jesus is beckoning for you to come to Him when you face life’s problems. Instead of trying to be the problem solver *|FNAME|* , go to the problem solver. He’s ready to give you rest for your mind, body, and spirit. When you have Christ as your Savior, you don’t have to deal with problems the way the world does. You have the fortune of going before the thrown of grace and replacing your weariness and burdens with peace and rest. The next time life comes at you fast, slow down and remember you don’t have to fix everything all the time.

Get some rest


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Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing me to come to You when I’m weary and burdened. I claim Your rest over my mind, body, and spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Never Too Late

Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, ‘Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?’
— GENESIS 17:17 (NIV)

As long as you’re still breathing, there’s destiny for you and hope for tomorrow. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how long you’ve been saved, or where you came from - God can use you.


Abraham thought he was too old to carry out what God purposed for him, but God kept His covenant with him. God is not limited by your resources or what you perceive as unqualified. He is capable of making something out of nothing. He can speak light into darkness. He can restore life where there was once death. Don’t ever think it’s too late to do what God has called you to do. Have faith knowing that God will reveal Himself through you in His time, not yours. While you’re waiting on the Lord, continue to serve Him and others. Before you know it, the blessing God birthed in you will be revealed for all to see.

Don’t give up on God


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Heavenly Father, I believe I will be all You have blessed me to be. I have faith You will keep your covenant with me. I will wait on You and serve Your people until Your glory is revealed in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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I See What You're Saying

Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from His perspective.
— Colossians 3:2 (MSG)

You just applied to a job posting. You feel it’s a perfect fit for you. The benefits and pay are fine. The hours work great with your schedule. You got a callback and executed the best interview you’ve ever had, but you didn’t get the position. What’s your first reaction? Do you beat yourself up thinking you weren’t qualified or you don’t deserve good things in life, or do you pick yourself up and tell yourself that was good practice for the job God really has for you?

When you look at situations from Christ’s perspective, there’s no room for negative thinking! You can either focus on what’s in front of you, or focus on what God can do. Christ fed over 5,000 people with two fish and five loaves of bread because He had faith in what His Heavenly Father could do. Have faith in what God can do for you as well. Look up from your situation and focus on the One who can bring you out of any situation. He can and He will.

Keep ya head up!


Father, I will not keep my eyes on the ground, but look to You in all my situations. It is in You I will find peace of mind and the many blessings you have stored for me. I will train myself to look at my life from your perspective. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

-          This is my prayer 

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Many Good Things

This book of the Law must not leave your mouth. Think about it day and night, so you may be careful to do all that is written in it. Then all will go well with you. You will receive many good things.
— JOSHUA 1:8 (NLV)

It’s important that we fill our spirits with the Word of God daily. As the saying goes, “Garbage in, garbage out. Word in, Word out.” And the reason we fill our spirits with the Word of God is so that we can do the Word of God. What good is reading a devotional every morning if we don’t apply what God spoke to us through the devotional. It’d be like starving for something to eat with a full refrigerator! You just open the refrigerator door, look at the food, close it and say, “Mmm! That was good!”

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God wants you to do more with His Word. When you meditate on God’s Word, there is something specific He wants to reveal to you, specific to your godly purpose. You meditate, day and night, so you can do all that the Word is telling you. Just reading the Word isn’t your reward. Doing the Word is your reward. When you do the Word, then all will go well with you and you will receive many good things. And remember, whatever scripture Christ has placed in your heart to do will line up with your purpose and give you specific direction. Good things are awaiting you, my friend.

Do what you read


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Heavenly Father, I will meditate on Your Word day and night, so I can do all that is written in it. Then You promised me all will go well with me and I will receive many good things. I claim this today In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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I Make the Difference

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Do you believe the Word of God has been watered down and Jesus has been replaced by other things? Many people believe the world has created other gods to follow. Some worship materialistic things such as their homes, cars or clothes. Some have chosen to hold their favorite musical artist, politician or even their pastor above God. And the sad thing is, we live in a nation that encourages this behavior and accepts it as the norm.

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And while the world accepts this as their norm and embraces the idea, you don’t have to. You can set the example. Let your family see you praising the Lord. Let your friends hear you acknowledging Jesus and what He’s done in your life. Before you post what you’re eating on social media, post something about the Bread of Life. You may not realize the results, but people will begin to follow your ways and not the world’s. The world needs a change, and it can start with you setting the example.

I am the change


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Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word. Thank You for Your example. I choose to follow You. Help me set the example someone needs to find You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is my prayer

Give It Back!

You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.
— 2 CHRONICLES 20:17 (NIV)

Growing up in the ‘hood could be rough at times. I recall a time when my friend and me were riding bikes and the neighborhood bully took his bike. This guy was huge! So, what else could my friend do, but cry as I tried to console him. But my friend’s dad didn’t cry. My friend’s dad was much bigger than the bully. He marched right down to the kids house and said, “You took my child’s bike. Give it back!” And you know what? He got his bike back and my friend didn’t have to fight.

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What battle are you trying to fight that isn’t yours? You have a Heavenly Father that’s bigger than any problem you have that’s preventing you from having the things Jesus wants you to have in life. Don’t waste time stressing or crying about what the devil stole from you. Run and tell your Dad! You don’t have to be afraid or discouraged for you will not have to fight this battle. Take up your position (pray), stand firm (trust) and see the deliverance the Lord will give you (faith). Stop trying to fight a battle that’s not yours. Give it back to the Lord!

I’m telling!


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Heavenly Father, thank You for fighting my battles for me. I am not afraid. I am not discouraged. I will take up my position, stand firm and witness the deliverance You will give me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Your Worst Enemy

What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.
— JOB 3:25 (NIV)

Our thoughts can imprison us at times. We can be enslaved by our very own imagination. Fear can stifle the plan God has for us when we allow thoughts to manifest and take over. When we make mistakes and become too embarrassed to walk across the stage of life, we think “everyone” knows or “everyone” is talking about us. Truth is, we don’t even know “everyone”, and we sure don’t know what “everyone” is talking or thinking about. We allow fear to manifest, take over, and before we know it, we’re face to face with what we’ve created and dreaded in our minds.

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You can become your own worst enemy, by harboring fear and allowing it to manifest into reality. The more you tell yourself you’re not pretty enough, you’re not smart enough, you don’t deserve good things in life, the more you speak those things into existence. When fear creeps into your mind, remember what Jesus said about your situation. Don’t give in to fear. Speak life over it! Tell the devil you don’t have time today to listen to him – You’re too busy listening to Jesus. Remind yourself you are the righteousness of God. Stop being your own worst enemy and tell yourself, “I’m better today than I was yesterday.” 

Worry is a sin


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Heavenly Father, I am who You say I am. I will not allow my mind, anything, or anyone else to tell me different. I am Your masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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No, Lord

‘No, Lord,’ Peter declared. ‘I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared impure and unclean.’ But the voice spoke again: ‘Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.’
— ACTS 10:14 – 15 (NLT)

There is a plethora of traditions in the world that govern our daily actions. Do you put up your Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving and take it down before the new year? Speaking of Thanksgiving, who traditionally cuts your turkey? And, who says we have to have turkey on Thanksgiving? Our tradition does, that’s who! While some traditions are harmless, and often fun, it’s imperative we don’t let tradition prevent us from what Christ wants us to do.

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Who told you to forgive, but not forget? Your tradition, not scripture. Jesus says to forgive seventy times seven. Did you say, “No, Lord!”? Who told you that you had to get even when your enemy talks about you? Your tradition, not scripture. God said vengeance is His. Did you say, “No, Lord!”? Each time Jesus challenges you to break your traditional thinking, He’s trying to prepare you for the assignment and breakthrough He has for you. If you say, “No, Lord!” then God is going to continue to present you with similar opportunities to unlearn whatever tradition is preventing you from doing His word. What tradition do you need to break today?

Unlearn what you’ve learned


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Heavenly Father, thank You for challenging me to break my traditions. I commit to doing your will. I say, Yes!” to You, Father. Have Your way in my life, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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You'll Understand Later

Jesus replied, ‘You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.’
— JOHN 13:7 (NIV)

There’s a lot of things my mother did for her three sons growing up that I didn’t understand as a child. I couldn’t understand why she told me “No” for things that I wanted so bad. I couldn’t understand how giving me a whooping hurt her more than it hurt me! I couldn’t understand how she could give me the food off her plate just because I asked for it. It wasn’t until I got my own kids that I began to realize what she was doing, but she didn’t explain it back then. I couldn’t understand then. She knew later on in life I’d understand.

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Everything you ask of Jesus He may not bless you with right away. You may think you’re ready, but He knows you’re not ready yet. COVID-19, shelter in place, can’t vacation, can’t visit family and friends may all seemed like punishment back then, but had a plan. It’s not what God is stopping you from doing, but maybe He’s stopping something from happening to you while you do it. Whatever the case, God is in control and everything He does, and allows, is for your good. You may not realize what He’s doing, or why, but just continue to pray and listen. Trust me. You’ll understand later.

Christ Knows Best


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Heavenly Father, thank You for being the ultimate Good Parent. I know You love me and everything You do for me is for my own good. I may not realize what You are doing, but I know You’ll help me understand later. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Delivered From Evil

I sought the LORD, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.
— PSALM 34:4 (NIV)

It’s pretty darn human to think “what if” in life. What if I run out of gas in the middle of nowhere? What if I forget my speech in front of the audience? What if I’m confronted with racism? What if I can’t pay my bills next month? What if my health fails? We’re surrounded by “what if’s” every day, but never forget you’re surrounded by a Savior who can – and will – deliver you from all your fears.


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It’s OK to think about worst-case scenarios. After all, you need to plan and be prepared in life. It only becomes a problem when you think about them over and over again. That’s when thoughts cripple you. and begin to consume you and arrest your development. Fear moves in and renders you hopeless and unable to hear God’s voice. My friend, when entertaining the “what if’s” of life, please remember to seek the Lord. Your heart and mind will become infused with positivity and productivity instead of negativity and destruction. Christ will deliver you from all your fears, but you have to call Him. Call on the name of Jesus and activate your power over the tricks of the enemy today.

Thoughts have power


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Heavenly Father, I made the choice to seek You today over the what if’s of life. I know You can, and will, deliver me from all my fears. Today, I walk in Your freedom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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God's Command

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
— JOSHUA 1:9 (NLT)

Everywhere you turn there is a new, catchy catchphrase addressing the times we live in. Statements that push awareness like, “Black Lives Matter.” Quotes like “I can’t breathe” that stir emotions you didn’t know you had. There are even phrases equivalent to biblical text we used during the Civil Rights Movement of “Turn the other cheek” that has been replaced with a more advanced model: “When they go low, we go high.” But with all the hashtags and catchy phrases that successfully promote wokeness, awareness and help us through these treacherous times, remember God’s command.

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Today is not time for you to be afraid or discouraged. God is with you wherever you go. And if you are worshipping Him in spirit and in truth, you have nothing to worry about. Be strong and courageous. No weapon formed against you will prosper. Every lying tongue is already condemned. You only have to be strong and courageous. Speak the oracles of God. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. It's time for believers of Christ to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. This is God’s command.

Strong and courageous


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Heavenly Father, I am strong and courageous because of You. Now is the time for me to speak up and do and say the Word that You have placed in my heart. I am not afraid. I am not discouraged. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Taught Better

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
— ROMANS 15:4 (NIV)

You have no idea what you’re going to face today. You have no idea who’s going to walk into your life, or, walk out of it for that matter. You don’t know if it’s going to be a day of learning, unlearning or relearning. All you know so far is that God woke you up this morning for another day’s journey and whatever is ahead - seen or unseen - Jesus has prepared you for it and you can handle it.

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How do I know Jesus prepared you? I’m glad you asked. I know He’s prepared you because all this Word you’ve been taught over time wasn’t for nothing. It wasn’t to find out how many scriptures you could memorize. Nope! Everything that was written in the past was written to teach you so that through the endurance taught in the scriptures, and the encouragement they provide, you may have hope. So, whatever you face today, there’s a scripture for it. Whoever walks in or out of your life, there’s a Word for that. Be encouraged, through God’s Word that whatever you face today you’re prepared and can handle it. Why? Because you’ve been taught better.

God is for you!


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Heavenly Father, I was taught better through Your Holy Spirit and I know everything that was written in the past was written to teach me, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide me, I will have hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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In the Lord

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.

God created you to do some dynamic things in life. He has gifted you like no other and also blessed you with talents to support your spiritual gift. He designed you to stand face to face with fear and overcome it. He arranged historical feats to align with the tread of your feet and coordinate your blessings. He’s made the impossible possible to you and opened doors that were slammed in the face of others. And even though you were created to have dominion over everything God created, these accomplishments can only be achieved if your strength is in the Lord.  

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When you’re strong in the Lord and in His mighty power, you are sustained through Christ. The enemy will try to pull you down to His level, but fails, because you’re not relying on your strength, but the strength in the Lord. You can keep climbing and reaching new heights because you’ve tapped into a mighty power that never runs out. This kind of power can only be found in the Lord. So, as you use your gifts today to give Christ glory and change the lives of others, remember to rely on your strength in the Lord and His might power.

Never go alone


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Heavenly Father, I am strong in You and am blessed with Your mighty power. Thank You for giving me everything I need to do Your work and Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Stay Connected

‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.’
— JOHN 15:5 (NKJV)

Yesterday, I came across a light bulb that was no longer working. I untwisted it and went to a hardware store to find a replacement. They didn’t have it. I went to another store; no luck. I tried one more store that specialized in light bulbs before giving up and guess what? They didn’t have it either. I took my losses and returned home to place it back in the appliance before looking up how to reorder the bulb in the owner’s manual. As I twisted the bulb back in snug, the light came on! It lost power because it had become disconnected from the source!

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Are you like my bulb today? Are you saved, but not twisted in tight and snugged? You know Jesus, but you’re not as connected as you could be? If you’re stumbling in life, things just seem not to be working out right, perhaps you need to make sure you’re all the way plugged in. God planned for you to shine bright. Stop trying to do things on your own at work, in your relationships or with your finances. You need Jesus. Connect with the true Vine today and watch your light shine brighter than before.

Shine bright like a diamond


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Heavenly Father, You are the vine, I am the branch. You promised if I abide in You, and You in me, I would bear much fruit. I can do nothing without You, Lord. Please, I invite You into my life. Shine Your light through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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You Can Rely on God

As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.
— PSALM 18:30 (NKJV)

There are some really good people in this world. Extremely talented, loyal, gifted, giving, beautiful and loving people, but at the end of the day, they are still people, and people can disappoint you. Your spouse can have a bad day. Your job could be going through budget cuts. Your favorite sports star can be off one day. But you know who you can rely on every single day of your life? God.

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You can rely on God. His way is perfect, and His word is proven. Name one thing God said in His word He would do for you that He hasn’t. (I’ll wait…) He may not have given you everything you want, but you definitely have everything you need. Jesus doesn’t have bad days. He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He won’t complain about His knees hurting and can’t go with you. He won’t call you into His office and tell you He’s limited by the company’s budget. You can trust God to do exactly what He said He would. He loves you and wants to bless you. Today, let go and fall into His reliable arms in faith.

Trust in the Lord

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Heavenly Father, Your way is perfect. Your word, Lord, is proven. You are my shield and I trust You to do exactly what You said You would do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Birthday Gift

Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’
— ACTS 3:6 (NKJV)

Yes! Today is my birthday and I just want to take a moment to thank God for all that He’s done for me over these last 46 years. (Thank You, Jesus!) I also want to thank you for all the birthday wishes and support these last several years Christ has inspired me to write daily devotions.

So, to celebrate, I’m not asking for silver or gold. I’m asking that you copy the link below and encourage 3 to 5 of your family or friends to sign up to receive “Live Life” daily devotionals. Give your personal message of how these devotionals have impact your day, thoughts, or life. What you have to give, is better than silver or gold. Just touch 3 to 5 people you know, share this link below, and that will be the best birthday gift!

I receive daily devotionals from “Live Life” with Van Burch and for his Acts 3:6 birthday gift, I’m asking you to sign up by clicking HERE to receive free inspiration daily!

Happy birthday! 

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me more than silver and gold to change the lives of others. In You is true wealth, treasure and prosperity. Thank you for being a blessing so that I can bless others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Wherever God Is

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

There are things in our world that can’t exist together. In its natural state, oil and water don’t mix. Likewise, water and electricity should not be around each other. The result can be catastrophic. Light and darkness can’t exist together. It’s literally impossible. Microsoft products and Apple products will never be found together. One is completely superior to the other and their programming will not allow the one to function along side the other. We just have to understand that some things just don’t go together.

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Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. So, wherever God is, so is your freedom. And with God’s freedom there are some things that just don’t go together with it. Wherever God is, there’s no room for fear because you have liberty. Wherever God is, there’s no room for bondage because you have liberty. Wherever God is, there’s no room for low self-esteem, doubt, hatred or strongholds because you have liberty and those things cannot exist together. If these things ever do appear your life, call on the Spirit to loose your liberty in God and bind anything restricting you from fully experiencing God’s freedom.

Bye, devil

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Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the victory over the devil. I choose today not to give place to the devil, but to focus on You always. Through You, I have overcome he that’s in the world. I am Your child. I am protected. I am victorious! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Wide Open Door

There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.

Ever wonder why it seems like every good idea you have is criticized by someone not doing anything themselves? Or maybe you are really trying to climb out of a hole, but obstacles and distractions keep pulling you back down. If everywhere you turn seems to be met with opposition, smile, because you’re in God territory!

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Your God said He would bless you one hundredfold in this time, but with it would come persecution. And when this opposition arises, realize that means Jesus has prepared a wide open door for you to do a great work. If people are talking about you – wide open door. Seem like things are falling apart – wide open door. You have important work to do and all of a sudden you feel yourself getting sleepy – wide open door. Many things may be opposing you, but the door Christ has for you is wide open! Run over, through, around your opposition to your door of success that’s open just for you.

When one door closes…

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Heavenly Father, thank You for the wide open door You have prepared for me. I see my opposition, but greater are You that’s in me than He that’s in the world. I’m going through my wide open door with You, Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pass Right Through

Jumping up, they mobbed Him and forced Him to the edge of the hill on which the town was built. They intended to push Him over the cliff, but He passed right through the crowd and went on His way.
— LUKE 4:29 – 30 (NLT)

There are people all around you who do not want to see you do good. They don’t want to see you make it out of your situation. They don’t want you to be happy in your relationships. They don’t want to see you get ahead in life. Let these people do their jobs. Their job is to hate on you, but let that motivate you. Their job is to try to pull you back, but let that push you closer to your destiny. Your job is to simply pass right through them and go on your way.

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When Jesus was being criticized by His critics, they pushed Him to the edge of a cliff. They intended to push Him over, but instead He passed right through the crowd and continued in His purpose. He didn’t fight. He didn’t post it on The Gram. He went on His way. I want to encourage you to keep going on your way in Christ. Don’t waste your energy on the crowd that’s trying to hold you back, reject you, or mean you no good. Use your energy to pass right through them and keep doing what God has called you to do.

Keep it moving

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Heavenly Father, I can do all things through You. Thank You for Your strength and making what my enemies meant for bad good. I’m going to pass right through them and keep going on my way! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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