“Jesus replied, ‘You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.’”
There’s a lot of things my mother did for her three sons growing up that I didn’t understand as a child. I couldn’t understand why she told me “No” for things that I wanted so bad. I couldn’t understand how giving me a whooping hurt her more than it hurt me! I couldn’t understand how she could give me the food off her plate just because I asked for it. It wasn’t until I got my own kids that I began to realize what she was doing, but she didn’t explain it back then. I couldn’t understand then. She knew later on in life I’d understand.
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Everything you ask of Jesus He may not bless you with right away. You may think you’re ready, but He knows you’re not ready yet. COVID-19, shelter in place, can’t vacation, can’t visit family and friends may all seemed like punishment back then, but had a plan. It’s not what God is stopping you from doing, but maybe He’s stopping something from happening to you while you do it. Whatever the case, God is in control and everything He does, and allows, is for your good. You may not realize what He’s doing, or why, but just continue to pray and listen. Trust me. You’ll understand later.
Christ Knows Best
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Heavenly Father, thank You for being the ultimate Good Parent. I know You love me and everything You do for me is for my own good. I may not realize what You are doing, but I know You’ll help me understand later. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer