“What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.”
Our thoughts can imprison us at times. We can be enslaved by our very own imagination. Fear can stifle the plan God has for us when we allow thoughts to manifest and take over. When we make mistakes and become too embarrassed to walk across the stage of life, we think “everyone” knows or “everyone” is talking about us. Truth is, we don’t even know “everyone”, and we sure don’t know what “everyone” is talking or thinking about. We allow fear to manifest, take over, and before we know it, we’re face to face with what we’ve created and dreaded in our minds.
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You can become your own worst enemy, by harboring fear and allowing it to manifest into reality. The more you tell yourself you’re not pretty enough, you’re not smart enough, you don’t deserve good things in life, the more you speak those things into existence. When fear creeps into your mind, remember what Jesus said about your situation. Don’t give in to fear. Speak life over it! Tell the devil you don’t have time today to listen to him – You’re too busy listening to Jesus. Remind yourself you are the righteousness of God. Stop being your own worst enemy and tell yourself, “I’m better today than I was yesterday.”
Worry is a sin
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Heavenly Father, I am who You say I am. I will not allow my mind, anything, or anyone else to tell me different. I am Your masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer