“So don’t be surprised, dear brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.”
Jesus knew no sin. He is God’s son who loved people, healed people, forgave people, prayed for people, gave to people, and changed people’s lives. And guess what? The world hated Him. So, when you’re not conforming to this world, or adopting its agenda because you have decided to live for Christ and obey God, you may not always fit in, and people may hate you. But I want to encourage you that you are in good company with Christ. Your prize is not of this world. It awaits you! But while you’re here doing the will of God, you will experience His favor, grace, and blessings. Don’t get tired of doing what is right. Remember whose child you are and that you weren’t created to be like everyone else.
You’re wonderfully made
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Heavenly Father, You created me in Your image. I am joint heir with Your Son, Jesus. Therefore, I’m not surprised if the world hates me. You love me, and that’s what matters. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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