Not Just a Building

My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place.

Individual prayer is great. You can hear from God while driving to the grocery store, while exercising, or in the middle of a workday. But there is a specific place God chose and set apart to be holy. It’s a place His name will forever be honored. The church. It’s true, we are the church, but it’s also true that God wants us to pray together, corporately, in the church. The church is not just another building. It is holy. It is a beacon of hope for some and a safe place for others. It is a place that God promised to always watch over because it is dear to His heart. It has to become dear to our hearts again.   

Let us pray…


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Heavenly Father, I believe Your eyes will be open and ears attentive to every prayer made in Your church. Thank You for the body of Christ You have surrounded me with. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is my prayer


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