“Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.”
I have an encouraging word for you today! Something that you can believe in, reflect on, and hopefully provide you with some hope for tomorrow. Are you ready? Here goes: Whatever trouble you’re facing today, God has already given it an expiration date! That means, the problem you’re facing, the obstacle in your way, or the enemy that’s trying to steal your joy can’t last past God’s timing. Joy is coming! Find peace in the middle of your storm knowing that your weeping will only last through the night because Jesus has already set an expiration date for it. Rest in Christ believing it’s already done.
It's morning!
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Heavenly Father, I believe my weeping will only last for a night because You have given my trouble an expiration date. You are with me, so I have peace in every situation. My morning is here! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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