Have you ever wondered why God allows you to go through things? Why the adversity? Why the enemies? Why the difficulties and setbacks? It’s because God knows who He’s created you to be, and He wants you to realize it. It’s no coincidence when you face difficult times. It’s just a way of God telling you you’re done with the phase of life you’re currently in and it’s time to grow. And God is not telling you to “become” strong and courageous. He’s telling you to “be” strong and courageous because you already are, and He wants you to realize it. Be confident that whatever you’re facing today God is already ahead of you and He will never fail you or abandon you.
Face it and grow from it
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Heavenly Father, I am strong and courageous because of You. I will not be afraid or panic. I realize You have gone ahead of me and that You will never fail me or abandon me. Speak to my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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