Here's Another Opportunity

Do everything without complaining and arguing.

No matter how bad you think things are going today, remember that it could always be a lot worse. And the reason it’s not a lot worse is because God is sustaining you. That’s right! Even in the middle of what you feel is a bad time or situation, God is still holding you up in His right hand. He knows what you’re able to handle and will never give you more than you can bear. 

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So, when the next time you’re about to complain about where you are in life or the things that are going on around you, don’t. Don’t think about the bad. Don’t think about only what you see. Think about everything that Jesus has already seen you through and here’s another opportunity for Christ to show Himself strong through you. Do everything without complaining and encourage yourself to see the positive in every situation.

God can do it again


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Heavenly Father, I will do everything without complaining. You have already carried me through so much in life and I know You will carry me through bad times now and in the future. Thank You for lifting me in Your righteous right hand. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This is my prayer


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