“Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.”
I’ve been getting lots of encouraging emails and responses to this week’s devotionals on forgiveness and how readers have been applying the word of God in their lives. I want to thank you all for your encouraging words and testimonies shared. They are always welcomed! It is a delight to my spirit to hear how God’s blessings are being released over your lives as a result of applying what you’ve learned. And just think; God isn’t finished, and neither are you!
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Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. There may be something nagging your conscience that the Holy Spirit is telling you to correct. It may be uncomfortable. It could even be embarrassing. But I assure you aligning with God’s word will yield an awesome reward that will easily replace whatever discomfort or embarrassment you’re worried about. You know right from wrong. If you’re waiting on a sign or confirmation to do what Jesus is telling you, here it is! Take a deep breath of faith and apply what you’ve learned.
Listen to the Holy Spirit
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Heavenly Father, today I choose to align with Your word. You have shown me right from wrong through Your word. I have the strength and power to do what You have asked of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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