I did it. Yesterday I forgave someone that really offended me in the past. I didn’t wait for their response. It wasn’t for them. It was because of my relationship with Christ. After writing and reading yesterday’s devotional, “Between You and Jesus” (click here if you missed it), I became convicted. I know what you’re saying: “Van. How do you know your message was received if you didn’t wait for their response?” Well, I know because the word of the Lord holds true, and I can trust everything He does.
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I know my message to this person was received because God’s favor overtook me all day. I received an email from a Pastor, miles away, thanking me for these devotionals and encouraging me that He shares them with His congregation, I received a phone call from an old colleague concerning an awesome opportunity, as well as other blessings fulfilled. Jesus was showing off! But I allowed Him to show off in my life because I finally obeyed His command: Forgive. Christ held true to His word and truly blessed me because I did what He said. I experienced a freedom unknown. And now… it’s your turn!
Do what God says
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Heavenly Father, thank You for being faithful to Your word. Your power working through me enables me to do the impossible. To forgive. To love. To obey Your commandments. I trust everything You do, Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is my prayer
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