“They said, ‘Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I came down from heaven?’”
Everyone has a past. It can be filled with good things, bad things, or a healthy combination of the two. There are some people who won’t let you forget your past; where you came from or the mistakes you’ve made. No matter how far you’ve advanced in life or the changes you’ve made, there’s always a critic right there who’s sole job is to make sure you never forget.
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Even though you have a past, you don’t have to stay in it. Move forward in life realizing your past got you to where you are now in Jesus! You’ve taken the crooked with the straights, made it through that bitter divorce, job loss after job loss, empty refrigerator to full refrigerator, ups and downs and down some more, but you’re still here! Your past didn’t kill you and neither can the words of your critics. Use your past to motivate you into becoming what God has called you to be. It’s because of your past you know you can be successful, overcome adversity, and do all things through Christ. So let your critics talk the talk, while you’re busy walking the walk.
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“Heavenly Father, I know who’s I am and I am what You see. My past will not determine my future, but motivate me to become what You’ve called me to be. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
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