Power of Prayer

Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.
— JAMES 5:17 (NIV)

When you experience problems in life, people tell you to pray. When you’re sick. Pray. When you have doubt. Pray. When your significant other or child is acting a complete fool. Pray. Prayer isn’t just a tool to communicate with God during our “woe is me” times. Prayer also gives us the ability to tap into the infinite power of God.

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While praying on your knees shows reverence to God, some of your most powerful prayers will be made standing boldly on your feet facing your enemy. God empowered you to overcome your adversary in every circumstance.  Whether it be your health, your finances, or battling conflicting spirits, God gave you the power of prayer to change your situations. You don’t have to ask for peace in your household or on your job. You can speak it over your territory. You don’t have to wait for public schools or your church to whip your child into shape. You can speak it into their lives today. Through your faith everything around you and your entire situation can change when you believe in the power of prayer.

I’ve got the power


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Heavenly Father, I believe in the power of prayer. Just as Elijah, I have the same power to bind on earth what is bound in heaven and to loose on earth what You have loosed in heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer